Collaboration begins between Hitachi's mission-critical OT knowledge and NVIDIA's AI innovation
画像1: Hitachi Announces Collaboration with Rapidly Growing NVIDIA

On March 18, we announced the establishment of a collaboration with NVIDIA, a leading AI technology company, to accelerate our digital transformation through AI-powered innovation. This partnership holds a significant position for us at Hitachi as we aim to drive innovation and agility in the era of AI. By combining Hitachi's deep expertise in energy, mobility, and industry-specific OT knowledge with NVIDIA's advanced AI computing capabilities, we expect to deliver new solutions.

News Release (3/18) URL:

Hitachi recognizes the breakthrough impact of the emergence of Generative AI, which is considered a transformative technology with unprecedented potential for IT utilization. Intensively focusing on "AI transformation," we strive to fully leverage Generative AI across the Hitachi Group, viewing it as a key technology to assist innovation generation centered around Lumada. As we look towards future growth, we are committed to the safe and effective utilization of Generative AI internally and externally, supporting productivity improvement among our 320,000 employees and extending our expertise to better serve our customers. We have already initiated numerous projects in this direction. Going forward, we will further expand the application of Generative AI, particularly in OT domains such as energy, mobility, and industry, where we have a strong track record of providing mission-critical advanced solutions.

画像2: Hitachi Announces Collaboration with Rapidly Growing NVIDIA

Founded in 1993, NVIDIA initially revolutionized the gaming market with semiconductors and GPUs designed for image processing. Today, the company has grown into a dominant force in the AI semiconductor market. Generative AI requires massive GPU-based computational power for training and operation. NVIDIA not only provides powerful and energy-efficient GPU solutions but also offers software assets such as the CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) computing library, which has been widely adopted in scientific research and deep learning applications. NVIDIA's GPUs for AI in data centers have established a prominent position in the field of Generative AI and are indispensable for future developments.

"Through this advanced collaboration with NVIDIA, we are confident that we can solve complex real-world challenges together and accelerate innovations that deliver groundbreaking results." said Tokunaga-san, Executive Vice President and Executive Officer.
Let us embark on a journey of collaboration with NVIDIA to create new breakthrough innovations and shape thefuture together!

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