Inside Hitachi introduces newly appointed Executive Officers effective April 1, 2024. In the last installment, Senior Vice President Samant, Vice President Hirai and Vice President Matsumura are introduced.

Senior Vice President Samant

Senior Vice President Samant

Shashank Samant
Senior Vice President and Executive Officer,
in charge of Regional Strategies [Americas], and Executive Advisor of Digital Systems & Services Division/ Executive Chairman of the board of Hitachi Digital LLC/ Executive Chairman of the board of Hitachi America, Ltd.

Q1. Could you briefly tell us about your career?

I have over three decades of experience in the technology sector, spanning more than twenty countries, and was fortunate to found two multi-billion-dollar global digital technology services firms. Today I'm happy to dedicate myself to guiding fellow CEOs towards success and fostering positive societal impact. My fervor lies in leveraging technology to shape a world aligned with its highest potential-by crafting exceptional products, delivering intuitive and immersive experiences, and seamlessly bridging the realms of physical and virtual to engage millions.

Q2. Please give a message to Hitachi colleagues.

There are a very few F500 global firms that last generations. The reason behind their success (and uniqueness) is their deep belief and commitment beyond mere financial performance - it's their sincere and deep urge to benefit the society and make it equitable, sustainable and create happiness for all. Hitachi is one such institution. As we embark on making the new century for Hitachi, I feel blessed to be part of this family and mission. Combining OT and IT (Physical and Virtual world) will create the outcomes that will transform lives and make this planet a more sustainable and happy place. Artificial Intelligence (AI/GENAI) re-energized computing to unlock the possibilities that we never imagined before. Hitachi's competence in core industries, global presence and Japanese heritage of innovation and quality are a sure formula for success in this century... I am so excited to be on this rocket-ship.

Vice President Hirai

Vice President Hirai

Hirohide Hirai
Vice President and Executive Officer,
General Manager of Government & External Relations Group

Q1. Could you briefly tell us about your career?

I joined the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), then Ministry of International Trade and Industry, in 1987. Since then, I worked for the Ministry until I retired as Vice Minister for International Affairs. During that time, I had the opportunities to do postgraduate study in the UK; serve as Director at the Washington Office of Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC); and work for the Cabinet Secretariat; all of which amounts to seven years. I worked closely with Hitachi to deal with a trade dispute over chip export as Deputy Director, Machinery and Information Industries Bureau, as well as decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and the nuclear power plant construction project in the UK (Horizon Project) as Director-General for International Energy and Technology Cooperation at the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy. We also worked together on a human capital management project when I was Director-General for the Industry Policy Bureau.

Q2. Please give a message to Hitachi colleagues.

I'm truly looking forward to working for Hitachi, the company that has greatly transformed itself over the past few years to become a strong global brand. At the same time, facing global risks that we never imagined we would be and seeing major changes in Hitachi's business portfolio, I'm sure the responsibility of Government & External Relations Group will become more and more complicated and special. While we value the solid foundation built through generations, we need to keep taking on new challenges. Let's work together to put our slogan "Inspire the Next" into practice.

Vice President Matsumura

Vice President Matsumura

Yuto Matsumura
Vice President and Executive Officer,
CLO, and General Counsel
CLO : Chief Legal Officer

Q1. Could you briefly tell us about your career?

In 1998, I was admitted to the Japanese bar and became a lawyer at Mori Sogo (now Mori Hamada & Matsumoto). After obtaining an LL.M. degree from a law school in the US and spending a year with a NY law firm, I returned to Tokyo and was involved in many large-scale M&As. I had opportunities to teach at the law school of the University of Tokyo, and to work as an officer of the M&A committee of an international organization of legal professions. In 2015, I became a managing partner of the firm and was in charge of the HR strategy of professionals, the international strategy and relationship, and the DEI strategy of the firm. I concurrently became an executive committee member of our integrated Bangkok office from 2017, and the managing partner of our newly established NY office from 2023. After spending more than 25 years at a law firm, I was appointed as CLO and General Counsel of Hitachi.

Q2. Please give a message to Hitachi colleagues.

I become full of wonder the more I learn about Hitachi. I used to have numerous hobbies in the past, such as taking a walk in various regions in the world, coaching at and managing a kids rugby school, watching sports games, and learning various language skills, but at this moment, knowing Hitachi better has become my best enjoyment. I would like to contribute to society through the development of superior, original technology and products with you all, by understanding and embodying the Hitachi Group Identity as soon as possible. Looking forward to working with you all.

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